2019 makes

Just a little collage of the projects I've made so far in 2019. I've been much more inspired this year. I've been playing around with making wreaths. I've tried a few different techniques and forms. I've made a rag wreath on a wire frame, a couple decorative mesh wreaths, and I learned a cool technique to use bath poofs as a base.

I have a great cost saving tip for you if you want to try out wreath-making, check out your local "Dollar Store." Almost all of my supplies were found there, including mesh, wire forms, styrofoam forms, ribbon, bath poofs.

I've also pulled out my Silhouette cutter that I bought a number of years back. I've made a few things with heat transfer vinyl as well this year. I like how each it is to get the right positioning (as compared to placement on my embroidery machines). Although I do wish I had a heat press, I'm doing ok with using my iron without water and using a stool with a piece of scrap wood on top to get good heat and pressure.

I've also done a little bit of sewing mostly been baby clothes as we have a few new family members. I also have done some embroidered birth announcements for some very special moms.

I decided to have a booth at an upcoming vendor fair. I haven't done one since 2013 (when I did a huge 5 day holiday show and got burned out). I'm looking forward to it. Right now I'm trying to decide what I should make to sell. Any ideas?


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